Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Screw The Pundits, Screw Roland Martin, Hillary BITCH SLAPPED Obama in Pennsylvania

The BASE HAS SPOKEN...Obama is a light weight, not the choice of those who make our party strong.
I am so tired of the pundits and Roland Martin trying to THROW THE ELECTION to Obama. In Pennsylvania tonight, despite 92 percent of Blacks voting for Obama because HE IS BLACK, Hillary Clinton gave him a good old fashion ass whooping, cleaned his clock despite his having outspent her 2 or 3 to 1. It's time for the media Obama fan club to stop reporting on the Democratic Primary season from a very Pro Obama Slant. Clinton is winning tonight by overwhelming numbers, and while Obama yet again is showing us HE CANNOT CARRY THE BASE.

The Super Delegates need to pay attention...you can give the nomination to a man that has won a bunch of low count RED STATES, or you can select the choice of your base...you make the WRONG CHOICE, we walk!

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